3M Tekk Protection

3M Tekk Protection Videos
3M Tekk Protection Products asked us to create some videos that could serve the role of customer facing informative videos as well as videos to share with sales people at hardware stores so they know a little more about our product.

my involvement: creative direction
design: Mark Wedlund
Producer: Aaron Gelperin
Videographer: Nick Kessler
Copy: Erin Johnson

my involvement: creative direction
Animation and production: Gaardhouse
Copy: Erin Johnson

Guide to Decibels

Our client asked us to create a digital experience that would educate people on the dangers of high decibel levels and drive people to get more product information. We offered an interactive experience that allows people to see the noise level of various common tools and sounds. Next they are able to see how adding hearing protection can bring the levels down into a safe zone. It turned out to be a great educational tool that lead people down the path to trial.

my involvement: creative direction
designers: Ryan Ullery and Kelly Rambow
UX: Lindsay Neely
copy: Stephanie Watson
tech: Russ Colliton and Bertine Buchan

and last a design concept that died but I loved